Ultimate Ipsum

a filler text generator from Pixel Perfectly

Generated filler text

Just make your selections in the ipsum generator and hit the ‘Generate’ button above to create your filler text. Your chosen ipsum will display here. Copy it all with just a tap of ‘Copy All Text’. For the curious, there’s also some fun lorem ipsum facts and history further down.

In interface design, UI Designers and Visual designers often need temporary filler text (or dummy text) to flesh out a design before copy is ready… For better or worse. I mean, Lorem ipsum has been prevalent in the design world for a long time, dating back to the 1500’s. But most generators look terrible.

And lorem ipsum gets old. Quickly.

If you’re bored with one-trick lorem ipsum generators, the Ultimate Ipsum Generator is here to help. Get some fun alternative placeholder text in your designs and give your layouts some added character! We wanted to create an easy experience that had lots of funny filler text alternatives. All together in one spot.

The wide selection of ipsum alternatives range from popular TV quotes to inspirational design sayings — even an English translation of the original source material for lorem ipsum, Cicero’s de Finibus.

What is Lorem Ipsum?

In design, lorem ipsum is an industry standard for filler text. Often before final copy is available, filler copy demonstrates the form of a layout or typeface without requiring meaningful user-friendly content. This placeholder can then be used for websites, layout design, and publishing.

The origins of Lorem ipsum date all the way back to Cicero's De finibus bonorum et malorum, written in the first-century BCE. In lorem ipsum filler text, the words of Cicero's work have been reorganized and even altered. This means Lorem ipsum is essentially non-sensical (or corrupted) latin. Lorem ipsum has apparently been in use in various forms since the 1500s.

It was later popularized by Letraset transfer sheets in the 1960s. Then in the 1980s, it burst onto the digital world when PageMaker included it in its packaged templates. Since then, standard lorem ipsum filler text has become an expected feature in industry-leading design and word processing software. It’s usually just not very funny.